Passenger flow management in public transport

Passenger flow management in public transport

You may have already heard about the benefits of collecting accurate passenger data on public transport. We even touched on the subject in this article, published a few weeks ago. This data is indeed highly accurate information that only automatic counting systems,...
Restoring trust through passenger flows

Restoring trust through passenger flows

Trust post covid Air travel is slowly starting again after a very difficult period of almost complete lockdown due to the COVID19 pandemic around the world. Passengers are coming back to airports, but there is still a long way to go before the airports activity is...
The Flex office, new work spaces for better organisation

The Flex office, new work spaces for better organisation

Over the past two years, the health situation has led to a more “flexible” reorganisation of work with the development of teleworking and the introduction in many companies of a “Flex office” organisation, which consists of freeing the employee...
5 advantages of knowing the attendance in real time

5 advantages of knowing the attendance in real time

To measure passenger flows, operators have until now used statistical evaluation methods such as ticketing, field surveys or mobile data. But these data do not allow them to know in real time the load rate of each vehicle (bus, tram, train, metro, etc.) or the level...
Passenger flow in rail transport

Passenger flow in rail transport

Passenger flow management With the end of year coming, its always good to have a look back of what happened in the last 12 months and for transport networks, a lot did happen ! Looking back at the past year, one data that is important to study is passenger flow....