Post Covid, how to get it right?
After almost 2 years of COVID, airports have been coming back to life for a few months and planes are once again well filled. Air traffic is finally picking up after a long period of crisis unprecedented in the history of commercial aviation.
But this is not without its difficulties, on the contrary!
Many airports have reduced their staff to cope with the drop in air traffic due to the health crisis, but the recovery seems to be much quicker than expected, thwarting all the forecasts that did not foresee a return to normal before 2024 or even 2025!
As a result, the queues at check-in, security screening and even passport control and baggage delivery in most of the major European airports are becoming disproportionately long, creating chaos.
Beyond the good management of human resources necessary for the smooth running of the airport, there is the question of optimising the flow of passengers at the various key points of their journey.

Our expertise to manage passenger flows
At ACOREL, we have innovative solutions to anticipate and better manage people flows and waiting areas.
For more than 30 years, we have been using the best sensor technologies to enable passenger detection and counting: from passive and active infrared sensors several decades ago, through 2D cameras with image processing techniques, to Lidar sensors and 3D stereoscopic cameras that represent the “must” in terms of detection and counting accuracy.
Counting accuracy reaches 99% with 3D stereo cameras. This improvement is due to the sensor technology, but above all to the greater power of the CPU and GPU.
Do not hesitate to visit our page dedicated to air transport by clicking here

For some time now, artificial intelligence and machine learning have been offering new perspectives in the field of counting and person detection.
Thanks to the use of neural networks and specific learning algorithms, it is now possible to detect and count people in real time on video streams from video surveillance cameras. In addition, these new algorithms offer high accuracy both indoors and outdoors.
Artificial intelligence applied to computer vision (i.e. “Computer Vision”) brings a different vision and makes detection and counting possible with a much cheaper and more widespread information capture technology: the 2D video camera.
Coupled with the inevitable increase in computing power of modern computers and microcomputers, Computer Vision may well become a must for airport counting and queuing applications. In any case, this is what we are working on at ACOREL… and our first results are more than promising.